The adventures of the geek juggler!
Have I ever been busy! I launched two new websites this month to restructure my online projects. has been successfully relocated to this new host. Among the move I have redirected my online profile from to Also, for those into hobby coding and creative writing, I am hosting a MUD (Acronym for Multi-User Dungeons, read on here) on a virtual linux server running on VirtualBox open-sourced virtualization by Sun Microsystems. I have used Virtual Machine and VMWare, and this thing is terrific. I already set up the blog for that project at It’s not open to the public yet, but without ruining the surprise, it works like a computer based choose-your-own-adventure book. And I have successfully migrated my apparel business from using the content building site at to it’s own server at It’s using the latest fad of WordPress blog engine as a CMS (content management system). I’m going to also work on that for my friend Mario Alaya and his printing business, iPress in Houston (832-252-8200). Well, what can I say? Busy, busy, busy!
Of course there’s more I have keeping me busy besides websites!
I just finished updating my PC/IT technician skills at Houston Community College and finally completed the CompTIA A+ certification exam. For all those that have known me for a long time with a puzzled look on your faces; I finished the classes for Microsoft MCA Certification back in 2004 but never got certified for them because I let those goals fall way-side. But hey, here I am once again and this time were going… all… the way!
So that’s my big update. Hope I didn’t lose any of you! And for those in Houston drop me an email let’s grab a cup of coffee and shoot the breeze.